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Sunday, May 15, 2011

hacking tips and tricks

hacking tips and tricks

-: Hacking Tips and Tricks :-


                           cool tricks

1>Facebook Hack – View photo albums of non-friends

A new facebook exploit allows anyone to access any photo album of non-friends as long as you have the link.
Facebook Photo Exploit
By following the simple steps shown in above image, you can bypass thesecurity of Facebook and view photos of others online.

    2>                          Creating IM Bot

This quick tutorial will show you how to develop your own functional IM bot that works with Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger, Windows Live and all other popular instant messaging clients.

To get started, all you need to know are some very basic programming skills (any language would do) and web space to host your “bot”.
For this example, I have created a dummy bot called “insecure” that listens to your IM messages. To see this live, add to your GTalk buddy list and start chatting.

IM Bot

If you like to write a personal IM bot, just follow these simple steps:-
Step 1: Go to and register a new account with a bot.
Step 2: Now it’s time to create a bot which is actually a simple script that resides on your public web server.
It could be in PHP, Perl, Python or any other language.
Example Hello World bot:
The example below illustrates just how easy it is to create a bot.
This example is coded in PHP.
switch ($_REQUEST['step']) {
case 1:
echo "Hi, what's your name?";
case 2:
echo "Hi " . $_REQUEST['value1'] . ", where do you live?";
case 3:
echo "Well, welcome to this hello world bot, " . $_REQUEST['value1'] . "<br>from " . $_REQUEST['value2'] . ".<reset>";
Step 3: Once your script is ready, put it somewhere on your web server and copy the full URL to the clipboard.
Step 4: Now login to your imified account, paste the script URL

Screen Name:
Bot Script URL:

Step 5: Add that im bot your friends list. That’s it.
This is a very basic bot but the possibilities are endless.
For instance, you could write a bot that will send an email to all your close friends via a simple IM message. Or you could write one that will does currency conversion.


Running Multiple Instances of Google Talk :-

Users of Google Talk (GTalk) can also let GTalk go to polygamy, that’s running multiple instances of Google Talk and login to multiple Google accounts on Google Talk. The polygamy trick can be done without any crack, patch or hack, with just a simple command line parameter or switch /nomutex appended to the Google Talk shortcut.

Ability to polygamy running multiple Google Talk is useful if users have multiple Google Talk accounts (or Google or Gmail accounts that used to login to GTalk) or multiple profiles or personalities, and don’t want to log on and off from one account to another account every time when want to switch, or want to log in to all accounts at the same time on the same computer.

You can add the /nomutex switch or parameter to existing Google Talk shortcut, or create a new shortcut with the /nomutex command line parameter.

To edit existing Google Talk shortcut:

1) Right click on the Google Talk shortcut.
2) On the right click contextual menu, click on Properties.
3) Go to Shortcut tab on Google Talk Properties window.
4) On the Target textbox, add in the /nomutex to the end of the line so that it looks like below (or you can simply copy and paste the below syntax and replace the original).

Target: "C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex

5) Click on OK.

To create a new shortcut for Google Talk:

1) Right-click on the desktop or anywhere you want to place the GTalk shortcut.
2) Select New on the right click context menu.
3) Then select Shortcut.
4) Copy and paste the following line to the text box when prompted to type the location of the item:

“C:\Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe” /nomutex

5) Click on Next.
6) Give the shortcut a proper name such as Google Talk or Google Talk Multiple or Google Talk Polygamy.
7) Click OK until you are done.

If you have hex editor, you can act like a hacker and modify the bits in Google Talk program so that it will always allow multiple instances of GTalk to be launched whether the /nomutex switch is specified or not.

Launch hex editor and open googletalk.exe, then search for the following patterns in the hex editor:

004536FD . 3BC6 CMP EAX,ESI
004536FF . 75 05 JNZ SHORT googleta.00453706

Modify the string to look like the following:

004536FD . 8BC1 MOV EAX,ECX
004536FF . EB 05 JMP SHORT googleta.00453706

How this Works?
The mutex is short for mutual exclusion object.
A mutex is a program object that allows multiple program threads to share the same resource, but not simultaneously.

So, in the hack above, we used nomutex (no-mutex) to use the same resources simultaneously....! 

 4>     siemeter Hack – Hide Visual Tracker (Counter)

Sitemeter, one of the best traffic counter for websites/blogs, it shows online users, Referrals (From where people coming to your site), country locations, browser etc etc.. all in detail.
This counter is visible to all visitors.
Invisible Counters (Tracker) is available for Premium Accounts Only…!
But you can easily hack to hide it.
Its just few setting changes which will work fine.
1) Login into your sitemeter account.
2) Go to ‘Manager’ from top menu.
3) Go to ‘Meter Style’ option from left hand menu.
4) Select 2nd last meter style (Counter, which shows simple numbers).previewmeter
5) Now in “DIGIT COLOR” select ‘Transparent’, Similarly in “BACKGROUND COLOR” select ‘Transparent’.
6) DONE.
Now your sitemeter counter is invisible from normal eyes in your site
Place it anywhere in your website/blog, and track your traffic, users.

-: Rapidshare Hack :-

There are two hacks to beat Rapidshare download limits and waiting time.

1) Rapidshare Hack (For Firefox Users) :-
The hot new Firefox plug-in takes browser customization to a whole new level by letting users filter site content or change page behaviors.
The glory of open-source software is that it allows anyone with the inclination and the scripting knowledge to get under the hood and hot-rod their computing environment.
But most of the time, that advantage is available only to people with the programming skills to make the changes they want.

That's where Greasemonkey, a free plug-in for Firefox, comes in -- it simplifies hacking the browser.

Released at the end 2004, Greasemonkey is the latest in a growing arsenal of Firefox customization tools.
It changes how Web pages look and act by altering the rendering process.

1) Install the Greasemonkey extension>>
2) Restart Firefox
3) Go to
4) Right click on rapidshare.user.js and choose "Install User Script".
5) Run FireFox.
6) From 'File' Menu click on Open File then browse to whereever you saved the 'greasemonkey.xpi' plug-in.
Open it, wait a couple seconds for the install button becomes active.
7) Click on it to install this plug-in then CLOSE FIREFOX.
8) Run FireFox again.
From the File Menu click on Open File then browse to whereever you saved the 'rapidshare.user.js'.
9) Open it.
10) Click the Tools Menu then click on Install User Script then click OK.
11) Close FireFox.

The script will let you enjoy "no wait" and multiple file downloads......!

2) Rapidshare Hack (NIC Tricks and MAC Cloning) :-
Rapidshare traces the users IP address to limit each user to a certain amount of downloading per day.
To get around this, you need to show the rapidshare server a different IP address.
Here are some methods for doing this-

A] Short-Out the JavaScript:
1) Goto the page you want to download
2) Select FREE button
3) In the address bar put this-    javascript:alert(c=0)
4) Click OK
5) Click OK to the pop-up box
6) Enter the captcha
7) Download Your File

B] Request a new IP address from your ISP server:
Here’s how to do it in windows:
1) Click Start
2) Click run
3) In the run box type cmd.exe and click OK
4) When the command prompt opens type the following. ENTER after each new line.

ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
5) Erase your cookies in whatever browser you are using.
6) Try the rapidshare download again.
Frequently you will be assigned a new IP address when this happens.
Sometime you will, sometimes you will not. If you are on a fixed IP address, this method will not work.
If this works for you, you may want to save the above commands into a batch file, and just run it when you need it.

C] Use a proxy with SwitchProxy and Firefox:
1) Download and install Firefox
2) Download and install SwitchProxy
3) Google for free proxies
4) When you hit your download limit, clean your cookies and change your proxy

D] You can use a bookmarklet to stop your wait times:
1) Open IE
2) Right Click On This Link
3) Select Add to Favorites
4) Select Yes to the warning that the bookmark may be unsafe.
5) Name it “RapidShare No Wait”
6) Click on the Links folder (if you want to display it in your IE toolbar)
7) Click OK
8) You may need to close and reopen IE to see it
9) Goto rapidshare and click the bookmarklet when you are forced to wait


Access Free Airtel GPRS Using TeaShark Browser

TeaShark, a mobile browser like Opera Mini, allow you to access Airtel GPRS for FREE.
Shockingly it has nothing to do with modifying any Airtel settings or any kind of hack.
Here is how I used this…
Download TeaShark v. 312. Its free and being JAR file it can be installed on most handsets.
* Open it from your mobile and select AirTel Live as access point.
* That’s it! Open any site from TeaShark and you won’t be charged anything.
Note for the first time, when TeaShark starts, it may take more than one minute to initialize. Also this one time initialization may fail many times. But don’t loose your heart!
As of now, this trick is limited to handsets only.
Note : “Subscribe to Packet Data First”
This means you need to activate AirTel Live service which is free.
Contact customer care to get it activated.
Also select only AirTel Live as access point when prompted by TeaShark.


Latest Airtel Hack

Now a days Airtel gives New option to the Subscriber to access Mobile Officedaily @ Rs.25.00/- per day. But this is too Costly.
Only 24 hours and the cost is Rs.25.00 Oh GOD!!
But I got a Trick that’s help me to Activate my Mobile Office whole 30 days only for 25.00/. Its really good.
Just follow the Trick-
1) Your account balance should be above 25.00 for the first time.
2) Activate your mobile office by dialing *444*1#. You will Activate your Mobile Office in the Morning.
3) You got an Activation msg. Your account should deducted by Rs. 25.00/-
4) After that your can enjoy mobile office for 24 hours.
5) But for unlimited access you will do this :: Just switch off your mobile from 7.00 am to 10.00am. and your account balance should be below 25.00 /
6) Just try it enjoy the whole world only by 25.00.


Vodafone Hack For Free GPRS

This method has been tested on different mobiles and has been confirmed to be working.
Followng are the Settings you require to configure on your Mobile:
Account Name: Vodafone_gprs
User Name: (no need)
Pass: (no need)
Access Point Settings :-
Proxy: Enabled
Proxy Address:
Proxy Port: 9401
Data Bearer: Packet Data
Bearer Settings :-
Packet Data Access Point: portalnmms
Network type: IPV4
Authentication: normal
User Name: (no need)
Password: (no need)
*IF that happen this settings is not working then change the proxy portnumber to:-
Proxy Port: 9401

                                         HOT TRICKS:-

1>       find Who is invisible or blocked you on Google Talk

Steps to find who is invisible or blocked you on gtalk :
1) Download & Install Pidgin
Click here to download Pidgin chat client. If you already have Pidgin installed, you may skip this step.
2) Configure Pidgin for Gtalk
You’ll probably start with the below screen. Click the Add button. “Accounts -> Manage Account” will also bring you to the same screen. Let’s add Gtalk to Pidgin.
Pidgin welcome screen
Clicking Add will allow you to add new Gtalk account. The following two screenshots show what you need to fill up for Basic and Advance tab.
Pidgin add account basic tab
Pidgin add account advanced tab
With all the settings properly entered, you should be able to connect to Gtalk and load your contacts successfully.
3) Find Who’s Blocking You
When someone blocked you in Gtalk (and other IMs), they appear offline just like your other contacts who are really offline. Right click, click on Get Info, and we’ll see how to differentiate them.
Gtalk get info
The following image is a comparison of 2 different contacts: Actual offline (left) and Blocked offline (right). If you are blocked, nothing will display under BuddyInformation.
Gtalk buddy information
Thats all. Now you can easily find out who is really offline and who is blocking you from google chat.

2> Improve Windows-XP Shutdown Speed :-

This tweak reduces the time Windows-XP waits before automatically closing any running programs when you give it the command to shutdown.

Follow the steps as given below-

1) Go to Start then select Run

2) Type 'Regedit' and click ok

3) Find 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\'

4) Select 'WaitToKillAppTimeout'

5) Right click and select 'Modify'

6) Change the value to '1000'

7) Click 'OK'

8) Now select 'HungAppTimeout'

9) Right click and select 'Modify'

10) Change the value to '1000'

11) Click 'OK' 

3>Chat with Friends through ms dos Command Prompt :-

1) All you need is your friend's IP Address and your Command Prompt.

2) Open Notepad and write this code as it is.....!

@echo off
set /p n=User:
set /p m=Message:
net send %n% %m%
Goto A

3) Now save this as "Messenger.Bat".

4) Open Command Prompt.

5) Drag this file (.bat file) over to Command Prompt and press Enter.

6) You would then see something like this:

7) Now, type the IP Address of the computer you want to contact and press enter
You will see something like this:

8) Now all you need to do is type your message and press Enter.
Start Chatting.......!

4>-: Run Firefox inside Firefox :-

How to run Firefox inside Firefox.?

Yup you can run Firefox inside firefox just by typing following url.

How about Opening Firefox inside Firefox which is again in another Firefox..?
Not bad huh?
And its really easy too just type in this url in Firefox's address bar and there you go!
Firefox inside Firefox!

copy paste following url in a web browser (mozilla firefox).


Following is the screenshot of this trick (firefox in firefox in firefox, which is again in another firefox)-

firefox inside firefox

5> Hacking Minesweeper by Dynamic DLL Injection :-

You can hack Microsoft Minesweeper by Dynamic DLL Injection Technique.
Dynamic DLL Injection is nothing but the injection that occurs after the program is executed. This technique is used by trojans & virus. When an attacker attempts to load code in process memory, then he is using Dynamic Injection.
It is working in Windows XP Service Pack 2.

Tools Required:
1) Hack.dll [Download]
2) Advanced Process Manipulation [Download]

Steps to Hack Minesweeper:
  • Start Minesweeper (Start->All Programs->Games->Minesweeper)
  • Start APM (Advanced Process Manipulation)
  • Select "c:\windows\system32\winmine.exe"

  • Right click on the module window in the lower half

  • Then select "Load DLL" and select the Hack.dll, from where you have saved it in your computer.
  • If you have done every thing right, you will get this window "Dll Injection, Sucessfull" Click OK there.

  • After that you will get a window "Success, C:\Hack.dll has been loaded". Click OK.

  • Now, start playing Minesweeper.
  • Now you can close Advance Process Manipulation Software otherwise you can continue also.
  • Wow you have hacked minesweeper sucessfully. You will notice the timer has stopped after 01 seconds. Take as much time you need to complete the game.

  • After finishing your game . Select Hack.dll from the modules window and unload it. Otherwise close Advance Process Manipulation Software.

6>-: The ZIP of Death :-

This is a exploit of the compression algorithms to make a small zip that will extract into extream amounts their are more ways and better ones than this one but i will only show how to make a simple 1k = 1m ratio.

1) Make a.txt file

2) Open and type the null character (alt + 255)

3) Press ctrl + a then ctrl + v a couple times to make some null bytes

4) If u have a hexeditor make the hex 00 for about 50 kilobytes.

5) Now make several copies of a.txt and name accordinly

6) Open cmd.exe

7) Type copy /b *.txt b.txt

8) Now every copy is made into a super copy and repeat

7>-: Create An Ftp Server On Your PC :-

First of all u have to get an static IP-Address.
Need a a static ip-address for ur FTP Server.Necessity for getting this static ip-address is ur not suppose to use ur own IP-Address.The main reason is u dont want to show ur IP-Address to everyone , there are many other reasons too but leave them aside.. 1) Goto no-ip & create urself a free account.
2) Now ur account been created & ll receive ur account password via mail to ur email address.
3) After getting ur password login to ur account of
4.After getting logged in, click upon add a HOST its on the left menu.
5) Type any hostname u want (eg:-abc) & select any domain from da given list ( Click on Submit.
6) Now u have owned ur own static address (example:
7) Now click downloads button which is present above on the page & click on which operating system ur using & den download DNS update client or u can download it from here directly, this is for microsoft window users..
8) After getting downloaded, u have to install this software & login here with ur email addresss & p/w wen asked for it.
9) At last tick on da check box present at the static address.
10) U have ur own static web address.

Installation & setting of the FTP-Server
1) You have to install Serv-U 4.1.03 , download this software from here
2) Run Serv-U & use da wizard to setup ur FTP.
3) Click on next until u have been asked for IP-Address, leave it as it is & click upon next.
4) Enter ur domain name u have registered (example: it above in da domain field & click upon next.
5) U ll be asked for anonymous access, select No & click upon next.
6) Next u ll be asked for creating a named account, select yes & click upon next.
7) Choose any user name u wish (eg:-xyz) & clcik upon next.
8) Enter password for dis account (eg:-adc341) for security purpose choose difficult password.
9) U ll be asked for da home directory for the account which u have created above.Select directory & click upon next.
10) Click on yes for locking dis account to da home directory, doing dis da user cannot further move up into home directory, click upon next.
11) At last ur account has been created click finish.

Configuring the user accounts which u have been created.
1) On the left tree-menu, select da account which u have been created above & den click upon General Tab.
2) Goto Hide 'Hidden' Files.
3) Check Allow only and enter the number one in the box.
4) Set da maximum downloading speed upto wat extent u want.As this is an account so many ll be using so set it low(eg:-10-20) to save ur bandwidth.Don't leave it blank as uers can download with full bandwidth.
5) choose how many users u want to login at on time.It depends on ur connection speed try these (56 - 1, ISDN - 3, ADSL or cable - 5-6 users.)
6) Click upon Dir Access Tab.
7) Now u can c home folder here.Highlight it & make ur permission.
8) If u want only users to download check only these Read,List & Inherit.
9) If u want ur users to upload into ur server & bu tto only 1 particular folder but not to downlaod, click upon dat add button & then select dat folder, Now u have to highlight dat folder & set these permissions on dat folder.Check,Write,Appened,List,Create & Inherit after setting these permissions click on the arrow which is present at the bottom right-hand corner.U want dis upload folder 2 be list first, before da home folder.
10) If der is any folder which u dont want anyone to access it, & it is present in the home folder, den click da add button & den select da folder.Now u have to highlight dat folder & see dat no all da checkboxes are left.After doing this click upon upper arrow which is present at bottom right hand corner.
11) There are many things u can do, These are only the basics....
12) Your server is now ready to be connected..
13) Login with your username & password...

9) Once you have a nice empty big text file like 1gb. Put it in a zip archive.
Because of the simple construction of the file, 1gb of null bytes.....!

The zip is only 1 mb in size and can really annoy freinds.
For added fun hex edit the zip and you will see a bunch of hex 5555

Just add some more and the file will expand amazingly

Make sure to not open this after

You can always create your zip of death from the command line in linux
dd if=/dev/zero bs=1000 count=1000000 | gzip > test.gz

8>Create Folders And Files With NO! Name :-

This trick will allow you to create files and folders without any name.

Just follow the steps as given below :-

1) Select any file or folder.

2) Right click on it, select 'Rename' or simply press 'F2'.

3) Press and hold the 'Alt' key. While holding the Alt key, type numbers '0160' from the numpad.

Note :- Type the numbers '0160' from the numpad, that is, the numbers present on the right side of the keyboard.
Don’t type the numbers which are present on top of the character keys.

4) Press Enter and the nameless file or folder will be created.

Reason :- The file or folder that seems nameless is actually named with a single space.

But what if you want to create another nameless file or folder in the same directory ?
For this you will have to rename the file with 2 spaces.
Just follow the steps given below :-

1) Select file, Press 'F2'.

2) Hold 'Alt' key and type '0160' from the numpad.

3) Release the 'Alt' key. Now without doing anything else, again hold 'Alt' key and type '0160'.

4) Press 'Enter' and you will have second nameless file in the same directory.

5) Repeat step 3 to create as many nameless files or folders in the same directory.

(We have a problem with deleting these folders, to do so, start your computer in 'Safe Mode' and delete it from there.)